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15 Comments and 53 Shares
I hate when people take photos of their meal instead of eating it, because there's nothing I love more than the sound of other people chewing.
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4077 days ago
Fair point, although there's also "a photo-taking-impairment effect" from photographing events you'd like to remember.
4077 days ago
Very interesting!
4077 days ago
Neat! Thanks for the link.
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12 public comments
4068 days ago
Relevant to my current situation.
4070 days ago
Give the man a big hand, folkses!
Asia, EU, Africa
4072 days ago
4076 days ago
Spot on!
4077 days ago
As an avid photographer and as someone who also just likes to enjoy experiences, I understand both sides of the starting argument. However, nothing drives me more nuts than someone telling me I'm "doing it wrong" when there isn't really a right way to do something and it doesn't effect that third party.
Bartlett, IL
4047 days ago
Yeah, I don't mind people taking pictures, just holding their phone up in front of me at a concert.
4077 days ago
A Kodak moment
4077 days ago
4077 days ago
New York, NY
4077 days ago
Montreal, Canada
4077 days ago
Atlanta, GA
4077 days ago
Melbourne, Australia
4077 days ago
"I hate when people take photos of their meal instead of eating it, because there's nothing I love more than the sound of other people chewing."
4077 days ago
I concur. Hearing shutter sounds is preferable to hearing people chewing and slurping and crunching. Blech!
4077 days ago
Of course, you'll get the slurping no matter what, photography only delays the inevitable. Like Judgement Day!

If You Lose Chomsky ...

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Perhaps it had to fall to Noam Chomsky of all people to deliver the ultimate smackdown to 9/11 Truthers.

"There happen to be a lot of people around who spent an hour on the Internet and think they know a lot of physics. But it doesn't work like that ... There's a reason there are graduate schools in these departments."

Video after the jump ...

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4118 days ago
Awe. some.
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Why Scott Adams Wished Death On His Dad

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theodp writes " I hope my father dies soon," Dilbert creator Scott Adams wrote Saturday in a frustrated, angry, and poignant blog post. 'My father, age 86, is on the final approach to the long dirt nap (to use his own phrase). His mind is 98% gone, and all he has left is hours or possibly months of hideous unpleasantness in a hospital bed. I'll spare you the details, but it's as close to a living Hell as you can get. If my dad were a cat, we would have put him to sleep long ago. And not once would we have looked back and thought too soon. Because it's not too soon. It's far too late. His smallish estate pays about $8,000 per month to keep him in this state of perpetual suffering. Rarely has money been so poorly spent. I'd like to proactively end his suffering and let him go out with some dignity. But my government says I can't make that decision. Neither can his doctors. So, for all practical purposes, the government is torturing my father until he dies.' Adams also had harsh words for those who would oppose assisted suicide, 'I don't want anyone to misconstrue this post as satire or exaggeration. So I'll reiterate. If you have acted, or plan to act, in a way that keeps doctor-assisted suicide illegal, I see you as an accomplice in torturing my father, and perhaps me as well someday. I want you to die a painful death, and soon. And I'd be happy to tell you the same thing to your face.' His father passed a few hours after Adams wrote his screed. Challenged later by the SF Chronicle's Debra J. Saunders, an opponent of assisted suicide, Adams stood firm on his earlier words. So, can Adams succeed in convincing the U.S. where Dr. Jack failed?"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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4119 days ago
I could have written - in fact I did write - very similar sentiments several years ago.
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4120 days ago
Agree completely. Do not force people to suffer.
Atlanta, GA

A Meeting

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In a story almost too good to be true, Jeremy Fugelberg of the Casper Star-Tribune chronicles a meeting between a local NAACP member and the regional leader of the Ku Klux Klan.


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4203 days ago
Didn't exactly go well, but it's something.
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Note to conservatives about Martin Luther King

1 Comment

Yes, I know you hate the fact that the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is being (1) being treated as a civic, rather than a factional, event and (2) that the speakers at the anniversary rally, and the accompanying news coverage, stressed liberal themes such as voting rights and health care.

Well, as the guy being guillotined said, I think I see your problem. Since MLK is now officially a hero, you’d like him to be a civic hero rather than a hero of the faction opposed to yours. But while he was alive, and for some time after his death, your faction hated him, and everything he stood for, and tried to defame him. No prominent conservative or libertarian politician, writer, or thinker supported the civil rights movement he led.

The factional split was not identical to the partisan split. There were (mostly Southern) Democratic racists who opposed the civil rights movement; they were known as Dixiecrats or “conservative Democrats,” and their heirs followed Strom Thurmond into the Republican Party, which they now dominate. There were also Republican supporters of civil rights; they were called “liberal Republicans” (I voted for a few of them) and your faction now calls people like them RINOs and has successfully purged them from the Republican Party.

Your faction was, adamantly and unanimously, on the wrong side of history, as spectacularly as the small share of progressives who supported the Soviet dictatorship. Even today, I have failed to find a single libertarian or conservative prepared to speak out against gutting the Voting Rights Act.

Martin Luther King died while on a campaign to support a public-sector labor union. You’re entitled to say that he was a bad man and a Communist, as your faction did while he was alive, and that his assassination was the natural result of his use of civil disobedience, which is what Ronald Reagan said at the time. You’re entitled to say that he was a great man but that his thoughts are no longer applicable to the current political situation. But what you’re not entitled to do is to pretend that, if he were alive today, MLK would not be fighting against you and everything you stand for. He would.

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4210 days ago
True dat.
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